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  • Writer's pictureAdriana Alhady, Adriana Bee & Nursyams Nadzirah

Things We Look(ed) Forward to During Ramadan [Pre-COVID Edition]

To the Muslims, the arrival of Ramadan is always very much awaited. This is the month where we attempt to purify our souls, by doing good deeds and falling back to Him - as a better person. We try our best to commit to ‘ibadah, both the compulsory and sunnah as well as leaving the bad habits - those that lead to sinning - behind. These are just some of our little efforts to improve ourselves as practicing Muslims - not saying that we would only do this in the said month, it is just that our attempts can get more passionate in this month. Alongside the very pure intention of fasting in Ramadan, there are also other occasions that happen only during Ramadan.

One thing that we really look forward to is.. (drum rolls)

Tarawikh! Needless to say, as this is a prayer done only during Ramadan, we get excited over the thought of going to the mosque to pray 8 rakaat (or 20, you are the OG!) of it. Speaking from experience, to be there praying with others, it just gives you an incredible feeling of peace. In our opinion, the month of Ramadan grants us with opportunities to seek goodness and virtue and being able to pray Tarawikh at the mosque is a blessing that we are very grateful for.

Sadly today, due to the efforts to reduce the risk of COVID-19 contraction, complying to the strict Standard Operating Procedure (SOP), the number of people allowed at a time is limited according to the praying hall’s size. Furthermore, you have to register in order to get in, either through Google Form, the mosque’s Whatsapp number or the website MasjidPro - if you are lucky, alhamdulillah but if not, try again tomorrow! Maybe, just maybe, next year we will be able to pray at the mosque with lesser concerns of the COVID-19. InshaAllah, we can do it!

This year, we have to go through yet another Ramadan in a pandemic. We are pretty sure everyone, not just us, are starting to miss the pre-COVID Ramadan experience. Remember when bazaar Ramadan was a thing? Going there without a mask… hearing the abang kakak pakcik makcik screaming their lungs out (almost literally) to promote their food…enjoying the long trip of walking around in the bazaar while looking for your juadah berbuka… then getting struck by the amount of food you have in front of your eyes….the smells…..and having those moments when the seller said terima kasih and you replied the same, then you felt embarrassed. We all did but we tend to do it anyway. It is totally fine, we promise. To make it more memorable, the food! Starting from the legendary bubur lambuk, then we have ayam percik, tepung pelither (don't mind the spelling, if you know, you know), murtabak, roti john, air tebu and the list goes on….

After all the fuss in the bazaar, we will then go home to iftar with families (or friends sometimes). Wasn’t it fun, either outside or inside, breaking fast with the people we cherish in this holy month of Ramadan? Not to forget! We will also take the opportunity to perform prayers together. Ahh...the feeling of comfort to enjoy Ramadan with the ones you love is also a blessing. We also empathize with those who cannot cross the border and enjoy Ramadan with their families this year :( Therefore, let’s embrace these moments we will have with our loved ones this month - if not all, then the ones close to us.

Also! Walking around Masjid India at night a week before raya to look for last minute raya preparations like songkok, butang baju melayu, kuih raya and kerepek. Everything will literally be on sale, you can even get 2 baju kurungs for less than a hundred ringgit if you are lucky. Now everything is purchased online and the prices for simple-designed baju kurung are way too expensive T_T It’s okay, just buy it for the OOTD - take cute pictures in front of your house during Eid!

At the end of the day, Ramadan in a pandemic is a blessing in disguise. In this perspective, we can say that being in a pandemic, specifically at home, gives us more time to spend with our families, we get to work on bettering our relationship with our Creator and improve our character as a person. As much as we feel that this pandemic is challenging our Ramadan journey, there are reasons behind everything that happens. May all the sacrifices we make today be beneficial in the future, inshaAllah.

Happy fasting, may this Ramadan bring us a better us.

P/S: If you need some guidance on how to give back to the society as a student with limited resources, join us on our first episode of GLOBAL ENGAGEMENT SPEAKER SERIES (GESS) - Giving Back : Where to Start. Register here!

Proofread by Ilyana Elisa & Illya-Wardina

Published by Aisyah Hanim


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