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  • Sarrah bt Mohd Zakhair


Malaysians argue about food like they could start a world war, and how can we disagree! Who else would fight for Air Tangan's cooking?

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Find out more about Air Tangan and its significance to the Malaysian culture that is rooted down from generation to generation.

What is so special about coming back to one’s hometown during the festive seasons? It is more of a hassle don’t you think? The endless red lights blinding you as you sit behind the wheel, stuck between cars left and right. Yet, everyone is so eager to return.

Fine lah. People would argue that when family gather and you get to see everyone, and let’s not forget about the ang pau that we would receive. However, I believe that the one thing worth traveling for is Air Tangan’s cooking.

Air tangan, in literal translation means hand’s water. But in Malaysian context, it is how the old folks express home cooked meals made with love and passion. The phrase is often associated with one’s mother, air tangan ibu, as the mothers are usually the one doing the cooking. Though, in this modern age, we would like to be inclusive of everyone’s variation of who they refer to as Air Tangan.

Now, let’s look back. How did Air Tangan come about?

Source: Oh Bulan

Many recipes are passed down from generation to generation and they get altered over time. Your mother and your aunt may have learned the same recipe from the same teacher, their mother, however both cooking turns out differently. What more if the recipe written down by our ancestors includes agak-agak as a measurement. You would have to add in your spices according to taste or a gut feeling of how much you need to put in. Hence, that is why the expression, air tangan, is significant in our culture.

Everyone can cook - Chef Gusteau, RATATOUILLE | Source: GIFER

No doubt that everyone has the capabilities to cook as it is an important living skill. Even robots can cook too.

Beijing Winter Olympics, 2022 | Source: BizIn

It is possible for everyone to plate up an edible meal, but that is just it, an edible meal. Some may see cooking as a chore so they cook, put food on the table and fill their hunger. But Air Tangan’s cooking is cooked with love that no other words could describe it better because it is more than just the ingredients being tossed in. The tsk tsk tsk sound after licking off the tasting spoon followed by a furrowed eyebrow trying to figure out what is missing, and the strength and energy put into the cooking as sweat trickles down their forehead beating the heat of the kitchen. That moment right there is what makes a meal memorable, even gourmet food cooked by Michelin Star chefs could not beat.

Meals made by Air Tangan become a fond memory that tickles one’s taste buds. A happy place for some ❤️


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