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  • Nurlisa Farhanah

RAPAT UMUM-16/01/2023

While the season of PRK for UiTM Shah Alam has already finished, it does not mean you cannot get to know better the 6 people that were named as candidates to represent APB! Read their manifestos and plans here and who knows, you will be one of them in the next PRK!

The time to vote for your APB MPP has come and on Monday, January 16th, six candidates aiming to represent the Faculty of Language Studies have stated their manifestos at Kenanga 2 to appeal their credibility.

The event starts around 11:04 a.m. where it is seen that the candidates are lining up, all preparing to start their speech. Shortly after, our first candidate, Siti Nur Zulaikha began her speech. Siti Nur Zulaikha confidently greets the audience and proceeds to introduce herself. Siti Nur Zulaikha is a first year student of Bachelor of Applied Language Studies (Hons.) Malay Language for Professional Communication. Following that, she delivers her manifesto for this session’s MPP election that centralises on programs that could develop student’s skill in various aspects. Her manifestos include but are not limited to conducting programs that would aid in improving students’ soft skills and establishing an entrepreneurial room that students can utilise to start a business. Siti Nur Zulaikha ended her speech by asking all students to consider their vote carefully and choose the candidate that the students believe could lead APB effectively into the same stage as the other esteemed faculties. By getting elected, she hopes that she could close any gap that students from various courses in APB have and further strengthen the relationship between every student.

The next candidate, Nashrah binti Masrulla, or better known as Ara, is a second year student and is currently in her third semester for the course Bachelor of Applied Language Studies (Hons.) English for Professional Communication. Nashrah began her speech by telling the students how most of the activities she joined were conducted virtually, however, it didn’t stop her from garnering valuable inputs. She's done several works such as SULAM, and has experiences in leading her peers during her diploma years for one year and a half during pandemic. And during Nashrah’s leadership when she was appointed as the vice president for her sport club in 2019 and as part of her high school’s student committee member, no big issues surfaced and even if they were problems, quick actions were taken to solve the problems. She then started to explain her manifestos that includes, conducting programs that would unite all APB students, creating Girls’ Emergency Bank which purpose is to create an area to place sanitary pads for APB female students and lastly, to initiate ‘Mental Healthcare Corner’ with the aim to help students with their mental health concerns. Nashrah further solidifies her speech by clarifying that even though she does not hold many positions prior to this election, she believes she can carry this responsibility to bring APB to a better future. With her speech, Nashrah has proven herself to be a flexible leader that could adapt to any hurdles thrown at her.

Next, the third candidate, Muhammad Ammar bin Muhammad Azhar, is a first semester student of Bachelor of Applied Language Studies (Hons.) Malay Language for Professional Communication. With his manifesto, he aims to strengthen the relationship between all APB students, increase the effectiveness of impactful programs, and reinforce reform structures within students to encourage them to let their voices be heard in terms of the problem they faced in APB. He ended his speech by asking to give him the trust to lead APB students. His short but impressive speech shows his credibility as a candidate.

The fourth candidate is Fatin Arafah who opens her speech with impressive Arabic eloquence. She’s in her third semester for the course Bachelor of Applied Language Studies (Hons.) Arabic Language for Professional Communication. Following that, she listed out all her achievements during her time in UiTM Shah Alam and that includes holding the position as Entrepreneurship Exco in 2021, the general secretary for IKP UiTM Shah Alam as well as the head of protocol for Junior Finder program 2023. She’s not only active in club activities but also in sports as her volleyball team representing UiTM Shah Alam managed to get the first place in 2021. Furthermore, she is also active in volunteer activities like PASCA banjir and is one of the facilitators for Minggu Destini Siswa 2022. Her manifestos are to give more attention on the development of students’ soft skill, reduce the gap between every language program, and give more attention to students’ welfare by opening a platform for mental illness. She humbly ended her speech by asking students to vote for her.

Then comes the fifth candidate, Nurul Asyikin, a student from Bachelor of Applied Language Studies (Hons.) English for Intercultural Communication. Nurul Asyikin opened her speech with a poem before starting to inform her active involvement with leadership-oriented activities. She held several leadership positions such as the Academic and Career Exco for SMF 2022, the program director for Majlis Anugerah Dekan, and the Vice Program Director for Pemantapan Destini Siswa. She had further explained that she also has the experience in leading a physical program which adds to her leadership capabilities. Nurul Asyikin said that with her experience, and effort, her manifesto would include conducting a conference that would gather all of APB’S high committee members to discuss among each other to solve the issues that is happening among students, eliminate any stigmatise view that people had towards UiTm by organising an impactful academic event that would involve external community, and aiding clubs by presenting opportunities to them to organise an event.

Last but not least, the sixth candidate is Wan Irfan, a student from Bachelor of Applied Language Studies (Hons.) English for Intercultural Communication. He informed the students that he was an active individual since his high school years from his participation as the head of the student council as well as the youth representative in a conference that involved other 72 universities in Kuala Lumpur. Though short, Wan Irfan has succinctly delivered his manifestos which are to increase the amount of volunteer programs that would be held outside of campus and to provide a student lounge that could be utilised by APB students to rest before heading to the next class.


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