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Class is back in session! With warm regards, LG GAZETTE would like to welcome all UiTM students to this new upcoming semester. Another opportunity is presented where you could find yourself getting to know new acquaintances, unearthing novel knowledge, as well as increasing your productivity.

However, the first day of class has always been like a fever dream during a hazy afternoon don’t they? It could be somberly daunting as you’re still held back by the desire to laze around and this could potentially affect your energy throughout the semester. Therefore, in this last entry of semester 2022/2023, every Gazette member would like to help you combat this issue with some helpful tricks and tips that we hope could be helpful.

One of the things that you need to do would be to fix your sleeping schedule! If you’re a night owl during the holidays, you will need to organise your sleeping pattern so your body is ensured to get enough sleep and you could conserve your energy to use in class. Another helpful trick that you could do is to memorise your class schedule, this way, you would be physically and mentally prepared for it. ~Lisa

With the new semester rolling in hot, students share different aspirations for themselves, a vision to drag themselves through. Different individuals envisioned themselves in a way that no one else can understand but them. For an example, let’s imagine a student with personalities similar to a goldfish. The student is surrounded with extraordinary peers, and it does not help that the academic of this goldfish person is lagging behind. When the new semester comes, her hopes for the new semester vary along the line of survivability–to not fail any subjects, to improve the communication between them and the classmates as well as keeping up with the assignments. This person can be a fragment of our imagination or maybe they are sharing the same reality as we do, alive, kicking and breathing. ~Amiera

Opportunity seldom knocks twice. So, take that leap of faith and trudge down those doors! Albeit if you are starting first year, threading through your second, or savouring your final year, I believe it is important to take chances and experience your degree life to the fullest. My first tip for LG students is to take every opportunity to mould the best version of yourself (especially while you can still make excuses for being a student), even if you might fail and feel like the whole world is against you because those kinds are the best kind. Next, we always talk about preparing ourselves in academics but we seldom talk about mentally preparing for it. My second tip is to prepare the most important foundation, your mind. Only you know what is best. With that, I wish everyone a blessed semester ahead! ~Sarrah

To me, the first tip starts as soon as the first day. The first week is the most important one. Listen to your lecturers, list down all of the assignments, and write the details of your assessments including the deadlines. Do not hope to get an extension. This trick will help you to stay organized and know what to expect for the rest of the semester. Have a to-do list. Have a weekly schedule. Stick to it. The next tip is not to be a burden in a group work. Communication is the key. Make some time for your friends and discussions. If you have any ideas, just shoot. Be the first one to initiate a discussion. And my next tip is to be prepared to sacrifice. Life as a student is hard. But take a look around you. Everyone's a student. If they can achieve great things, so can you. Be a night owl. Or if you can't, sleep early and wake up early in the morning to do your work. Make sure your assignment is perfect. And last but not least, be responsive in an online lecture. Pay attention. Ask questions. Answer some questions. Don't let your online class to come out as dry. That's all, folks. Let's give everything we've got for this semester! ~Muzhameer

Students generally have new beginnings, challenges, and opportunities throughout a new semester. As we get used to new schedules, new expectations, and perhaps new goals, it can also be a little intimidating for many of us. To get the most out of a new semester, it's critical to maintain organisation, practise good time management, and ask for help when you require it. To keep you motivated and inspired during the semester, you may also think about defining some goals for yourself, whether they are academic or personal. Establishing healthy habits, such as getting adequate sleep, eating wholesome meals, and being active, can also enhance your general well-being during a hectic and challenging period. Whatever it is, remember to strive on and do your best always! You’ve got this. ~Anees

My own trick to face a new page (read: semester) in my life is to always keep yourself close to God. It does not matter which religion you are in, you must have some figure you believe in and pray to, and that figure is called God. For Muslims, we are lucky because this new semester starts at almost the same time as Ramadhan. And when else you can get closer to Him other than this month? It's going to be exhausting for sure, having classes all day while having nothing to eat but... that is what you should be going through anyway. The hungrier you are, the more humble you will be. And when you feel humble, you would also feel kind towards others. When you open your heart to everyone (read: be kind), every knowledge you learn can easily be absorbed into your brain! It's not just knowledge, it's everything else too. Everything will surely go smoothly for you. Hablum Minallah (حَبْلٍ مِّنْ اللَّهِ), Hablum Minannas (حَبْلٍ مِّنَ النَّاسِ). When you take care of your relationship with Him by doing everything He asks you to do like pray 5 times a day and fast on Ramadhan (Hablum Minallah), then, insya Allah your relationship with your friends, lecturers, housemates will be taken care of too (Hablum Minannas). ~ Nayli

Once again, welcome back!


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