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  • Writer's pictureAdriana Alhady & Adriana Bee

The New ECLIPSE Committee: A Start of Something New

WHEREVER YOU WERE ON WEDNESDAY, 28 OCTOBER 2020 (we bet you were at home): ECLIPSE held an election to recruit new committee members. Due to the COVID-19 situation, the campaign and the election were done through online platforms.

A few days before the Annual Grand Meeting (AGM), ECLIPSE’s former committees encouraged the LG243 students to take part in the election as candidates. Surprisingly, there were many interested students who volunteered. All the candidates were given the opportunity to promote their manifestos in the form of a poster depending on their creativity. The actual voting session was held on the 28th of October 2020 via Google Form. Students from LG243 were encouraged to make use of their voting rights to vote on whom they believe are suitable for the positions, by judging all the posters provided by the candidates in which their credibility were included as well - or maybe the sweet talks promoted by the nominees? Who knows?

The Annual General Meeting Poster

The voting day had come after days of trying to win the hearts of LG243 students with all the posters posted on various platforms, such as ‘Whatsapp’ and ‘Instagram’. Despite their busy schedule on that particular Wednesday, they were actively involved in the voting session. The voting started at 10 A.M. and ended at 10 P.M.

Time had passed and it was finally the day that everyone was waiting for - we bet that the candidates were even more anxious, wondering if they had succeeded in winning everyone’s hearts.

​The result of the election was announced by the previous president of ECLIPSE, Raja Putera Aiman, on 30th of October. HERE ARE YOUR NEW COMMITTEES FOR ECLIPSE! - congratulations and all the best.

ECLIPSE 2020/2021 Session

Proofread by Ilyana Elisa & Illya-Wardina

Published by Muhammad Hadwan & Aisyah Hanim


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