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  • Writer's pictureJip(yeong) & Iq(baal)

It's Okay to Not Be Okay

Hello, peeps. It is already halfway through week 10. WEEK 10. Yes, in case you have not got into your senses, you’ve made it into the tenth week of the semester! Let’s give yourself a pat on the back for that /pat pat :)

Some might feel that you have not been doing anything for the past ten weeks, while some are probably crawling their way to the end of the semester. There’s no in-between. (Maybe there are some who are striving for the Dean’s list - please share with us your tips T_T)

Whatever it is that you have done up until now, the fact that you are still here today; surviving the day is already something to be proud of. It’s okay if you feel like you have not achieved anything - being here today itself is already a huge achievement.

In the first weeks of the semester, you might have felt insecure and demotivated seeing your friends’ quick progress on assignments - it adds more pressure on you. It is okay to not get things done as quickly as others. Degree is not a race, learning is a progress and you’re always progressing. Worry not, do it at your own pace. As long as you meet the deadlines given and understand what you’re working on, that is all that matters.

Do not forget to look after yourself too! Right, hectic weeks ahead can make you feel stressed and bothered all the time - thinking about the never-ending pile of assignments. However, your self is what matters the most at this moment. Without your good health - mentally and physically, it would be difficult for you to get through these moments. So please, take care of yourself! It is okay to take a break. If you think you need one, you deserve one.

Here’s a song to listen to when you need a reminder to go at your pace! :

“Going ahead doesn't mean you're going to get there first, baby

Take your time, there's no need to rush, my pace, don't compare yourself with others.”

When you run, along the way, you might stub your toe on a stone, trip on air and even get tired from bolting. Get on your own pace and timing - walking, crawling, sprinting - will get you there. Our goal here is to get to the end, not to win the race. Winning the race is something we all desire and it is something that indeed, shall be encouraged.

But.. if it gets to a point where you are running with injured legs and short breaths, take it as a sign to slow down. If you keep going non-stop, it will definitely take a toll on you. It’s either you finish the race with many casualties, or you don’t… and we do not want that. Maybe… we can walk to the end together, hand in hand? ;)

Remember, darlings, too much of something is never good. Taking time is alright, but refrain from taking too much time to the point that you end up freaking out because your assignment is due 23.59 today. You will lose your composure and sanity (speaking from experience), causing panic and stress - which is not good for you. Let’s not sabotage yourself, aite?

It is okay to not be okay, but it is not okay to be too hard on yourself. Go at your own pace but don’t forget to leave the starting line! Hope to see all of you at the finishing line!!!

What’s your comfort song?

Here’s Jip’s:

Here's Baal's:

Proofread by Ilyana Elisa & Illya-Wardina

Published by Muhammad Hadwan & Aisyah Hanim


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