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Things You Find Comfort In

Hard times. Everyone is going through something, and so am I. When I go through tough times by myself, I would seek comfort through something, something that makes me feel less hopeless or feel more at ease. Comfort. I perceive it as something that is physically in front, beside, or even below me. I believe that anything that you can reach for, is something that you could find comfort in. You might have a different take on that one because some people tend to find comfort in things they cannot see. Words of affirmation, is one of the examples.

You might find comfort in the sky like I do. We look up to the sky and try to find comfort in the soft breeze that greets our cheeks, hoping to reach something that is unreachable. However, hoping for things out of your reach can be described as either ambitious (in a good way) or delusional. As much as I wish to touch the sky, something in me keeps taking me back down, telling me that there are things down here, near you that you can admire, touch, hug, kiss and do whatever in the world you want to. So I end up looking around, instead of above. I see things, people, buildings and literally anything I see - that can actually provide me comfort. This time, I am not seeking comfort. Instead, the comfort seeks for me.

A reminder for myself and you - as we live, we shall cherish those moments of present presence before they slip away from our fingers. Don’t get too busy looking up that you end up falling into a hole - because climbing back up, is tiring.

Give this a read and ask yourself again, what do you find comfort in? ;


what do you find comfort in?

is it in a person that feels like home?

is it the unread books that you own?

or maybe the room that works as a safe zone?

well, for me, i would say the sky.

i'll look up even when the sky cries.

as if i am there between the winds,

flowing through thin air,

disappear with no means.

i'll find the cure to a busy day in tears,

falling from the sky with no fear,

it's comforting to let it loose,

once you hear the sound that will calm down the fuse.

i'll find the peace to a sunny day in between the cottons,

puffy and white, wishing i could touch,

it's comforting to remind yourself a fact;

the sky is beautiful and you are there to admire that.

i know,

some days,

you might seek for the sun,

when the day is crying,

or you might seek for the night,

when the sun is shining.

but listen to the sound of nature,

calling you out to remind a creature,

that it is okay to not receive a closure,

for there are better things you can capture.

this is a wake up call,

to find comfort in whatever you see,

be it photographs or recordings or anything at all,

always remember everything is not for free.

cherish the love that you can embrace,

fill in the void and cut the chase,

there are things you see, you cannot replace,

so value them before they are erased.

If you wish to tell me your answer(s), drop them here:

Proofread by : Ilyana Elisa & Illya-Wardina

Published by : Aisyah Hanim & Muhammad Hadwan


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